MISSION:POSSIBLE Body Fit 5K Run & 1 Mile Fun Walk
Coming on September 27, 2025
Windhaven Meadows Park
5400 Windhaven Pkwy
Plano, TX US 75093
MISSION: POSSIBLE Body Fit 5K Run and 1Mile Fun Walk is named for Lontoinette Christina Smith. Christina, a mother of three young children, a bonus daughter and a goddaughter, touched the lives of many people throughout her life. Chris, a former sprinter, fell in love with cross-country running in the Fifth Grade. Over the years, she ran many marathons across the U.S. and coached others to develop the strength and stamina to run 26.2 mile marathons. From childhood and everywhere she lived, Chris met and established long-lasting relationships with people from China, S. Korea, India, Africa, Europe, Australia, Fiji, and right at home throughout the U.S.
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